I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Day 42

I think it could very well be the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything as today seems like a very significant day to consider what my life was like before I started with VLCD and TFL 42 days ago.  It couldn't be more different.  And what is most astonishing of all, 42 days is just a month and a half.

Back then (lol) I got up and had breakfast - reasonably healthy, poached egg on a crumpet (no butter) or a bowl of cereal with skimmed milk.  I always started the day off right.  By 9am I would be at work, having a black coffee.  And a twix.  By lunchtime I would have probably had another chocolate bar and a packet of crisps.  I'd have a reasonably healthy lunch though, so that's ok.  There might be muffins around in the afternoon, so I'd have one with a coffee, would be rude not to.  I'd get home from work and sit down, wondering what to have for tea.  It would be something reasonably healthy of course, unless I was having a treat (only about 3 or 4 nights a week) when it would be a pizza (a whole one) or maybe a chinese.  Then I'd sit down and watch tv.  Once a week I went to my Rosemary Conley class and did some exercise, and wondered why I hadn't lost any weight, cause I'd not had any butter, or cooked with fat, or had cream.  It would take me most of the week to recover from that exercise.  I was tired all the time, often I needed a nap when getting in from work, and didn't sleep well at all, waking often in the night and then struggling to wake in the morning.

During the last 42 days I have totally cleared my living room and changed all of the furniture around.  I have cleared out and cleaned all my kitchen cupboards and reorganised them, washed them all down and cleared all the hidey spots on top of them and the fridge.  I've totally cleared my spare room, painted it, wallpapered and moved my bedroom into it.  I'm half way through sorting my old bedroom into a workshop for expanding my jewellery making hobby into a little cottage business.  I've sorted all my clothes and now have piles waiting for the next ebay free listings weekend.  I've sorted my finances, sorted and renewed car insurance with better cover, sorted a new ISP and phone provider and saved money.  I run up the stairs wherever I go and feel so much happier inside.  I sleep well and wake refreshed.  I've joined a gym.  I've done this at the same time as having a full time job and a fractured arm for the first 20 days.

And bestest of all ever - I've not once fallen over from having low blood sugar, I've not once thought I may pass out from hunger, and I've not once considered "cheating".  I am very proud of me.

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