I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Heck, 14 days of 13 already gone and no updates!

Oops, where does the time go!  I have been more than a little remiss in updating my blog - tsk tsk and a slap on the wrist for noodles.  I've been too busy listing all my too big clothes on ebay to raise some funds to buy more!  Went straight back on plan after my Christmas week off and dropped 8lb, so that's the 6lb gain gone plus a couple more just to keep me motivated.  Last week I polished off another 2 and a half.

All things considered, that's absolutely amazing.  It's been very very tough going since Christmas - life, not the plan - and the old me would have reached straight for the comforts of carbs.  I've still turned to food on some occasions, but kept it to low carb foods, but I don't think my 2013 food plan could be described as vlc!  Still, I'm proud of how far I've come, I'll do what needs to be done for the time being and work to lower the calories down over the coming weeks as things settle down in the rest of my life.  To say it's been stressful would be the biggest understatement ever - and not a malteser in sight!

What is also amazing is the inch loss.  Even with the gain I still lost inches, and I've flipped down a size so my previous smaller sizes are no longer ok but a bit on the big side, I now look like I'm wearing someone elses clothes.  So the ebay listing has started (got another wrist slap for posting that on MM too - but if you've found yourself here, I have the same name on ebay, and have a LOT of clothes to sell through).  I honestly cannot believe how small I'm getting.  I started to buy a few size 12 end of sale bargains for my hols in June and I'm actually starting to think they may be too big by then - and I can't comprehend that!!  Both my SIL and my Mum have commented about how small my frame is, I've always judged my frame by the size of my hands, and granted they've shrunk to some degree (all my rings are massive) but they are still fairly shovel-like.  But even still being in the obese bmi range, my collar bones are rather prominent and I'm not far off a size 14.  I am starting to believe that under this fat suit I've been wearing for such a long time, there is actually a petite woman itching to come out!

And I'm loving peoples reactions - of course the compliments are just brilliant and really make it all worthwhile, but I'm also getting a bit of a kick from the snubs I get by other members of the "fat and proud" club - the yo-yo dieters that happily bask in their own success of a downwards spiral, but can't bear the success of another.  And lets not even go there on those who've had surgical intervention to become a smaller person....

It's all good, I feel amazing, I love being smaller - except for the incredibly cold feet!

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