I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Day 7 - a day of nervous pondering

Been a stressful funny sort of day.  Had a couple of tough work things to do today, but thought them through in advance with the benefit of my new small amount of knowledge of nlp, and whilst they were still pretty tough, I feel like I handled them a great deal better than I have done before.  However, I need to note that stress and a subsequent focus on the job in hand means I forgot to eat! It was gone half 11 when I got to wondering why I felt a bit wobbly - then I realised I'd not had anything!  Oops, that's not so great.

As a consequence I've felt a bit wobbly all day, probably more psychological than physical, but I succumbed to a little cheese when I got home.  Pleased I did this in a measured way - 35g and straight on the food planner :).  Tomorrow morning is weigh in - eek!  I really want to beat my week 1 from last year (I know, I'm repeating myself!) - it means a lot.

I am able now to recognise that I need to take my time to make decisions, and I'll reach the end of that process when I'm good and ready.  Had a weird thing happen today, it might be a marketing scam, if it is, then it's a darn good one - on a day I really needed something just like this - I got an email telling me somebody loves me, and wants me to follow an online adventure for 5 days before revealing who they are!  Intriguing to say the least.  Perhaps it's just because of where I am today, on another given day perhaps I would have marked it straight as spam.  Who can say, today it made me smile, and there's nothing wrong with smiling more :)

Evening update to log food - what an amazing couple of hours I've just had!  Something really very exciting indeed may be happening to assist my weight loss journey.  Can't say much just now but I am uber excited about it!  Guess the day wasn't so bad after all, I feel like I've been sprinkled with glitter :).

So, todays food:
Vanilla Shake (is this all starting to sound very familiar yet...)
Chicken soup
Cheesy pasta with swede cubes
Strawberry shake
35g cheddar
723 calories

I should just add - I have an awful lot of products in my cupboard, mainly bought when I was planning to maintain so I bought lots of the same of my favs - I've told myself I'll do a month on these before I go buying any more, so it's going to be a very boring list for a little while longer I'm afraid.

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