I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

A kind of nothing day...

Really just a regular day today, nothing outstanding, nothing unusual, just a regular day.  Which, in itself is totally and absolutely amazing.  Today I don't feel like I'm not eating food.  Today is just normal.  I'm rather pleased with that.  Don't know if it's a pattern you settle into, if the TA is really settling my head down, if I'm just feeling contentedly pleased with myself or what really!  I do know it feels pretty amazing.  My hypochondriac me had a small moment early on this evening when I found a hard lump in my chest.  All was ok though, cause adult me quickly realised it was my breastbone!  Weird, never felt it before!  A further check and I found some more hard bits, I believe these are my ribs.  In a few weeks I might get to know what hips feel like too.  I'm now just 5lb over my lowest weight in 10 years, which is around 20lb more than my lowest weight in my adult life.  The thought that I can back there and beyond before Christmas is utterly thrilling.

And for once, my lovely fiance knows what to get me for Christmas - we'll be going clothes shopping.  When I was at my biggest I just wanted to fit into Primark clothes so I could go buy a new wardrobe full each month!  Now I'm heading that way I think (in my new forward planning outlook) that I will invest in a staple wardrobe of classics and I can throw in a few of the cheapies to ring the changes.  Still, once I fit Primark, it'll be cheap enough when I keep changing down the sizes I guess.  There's an ambition for you - to be clothed head to toe by Primark!!

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