I got my week one weigh in last night. I'll just keep you in suspenders a little while longer while I explain the oddness. After being much like an excited Andrex puppy all day yesterday (I did manage to contain myself and didn't actually run round the office trailing toilet roll) I got weighed in and just thought yes, that'll do. I'm very happy about it, but mainly kind of serene, basking in the glow of my achievement but in a very low key way. Which is odd. Maybe this is the adult in my being allowed to shine a little. I like it, it's good, I need more of it. And so to the amount.... 11lb. Yes, 11lb. I lost, in just 7 days, a total of 11lb. That's seriously impressive, and I am impressed, but in a way that will look up from doing The Times crossword and give you a faint hint of a smile crossing my lips as you catch my eye over my glasses.... (I've never read The Times by the way, let alone considered doing the crossword, it all feels a bit grown up, maybe I'm starting to feel a bit grown up?).
And so to week 2. I have bars. I'm not entirely sure I'm safe to be let lose with bars, but I've purchased a few to see how it goes. The one good thing, I've got a work function with lunch next week and was having a small panic about having to come clean (I'm doing this in secret for the time being, can't be doing with the armchair experts telling me how dangerous it is!) - should I take a shake, which would end up revealing all, should I take a shake and go have it in the loo, why on earth should I do that, should I take a soup and pray for hot water - but no, the bar has saved me, I'll just have a bar, easy to explain away without it looking a bit weird or needing to rely on things that might not be available. I'm super excited to the possibility of losing a stone in 2 weeks. The best I've done on other plans is being about a pound off after 4 weeks and then taking ages to finally whip off the other pound and get that certificate. I'm also really quite excited that this might actually work, I've said before I'll probably need to see a month or so of decent losses before I'm convinced, but 11lb in one week has gone a good way to pursuading me.
Had a work meeting this morning, one of the type that has biscuits provided. Now, normally I'd sneak one in quickly whilst pouring my coffee, so nobody would notice (a free one so clearly the calories don't need counting) then there would be 2 sat on my saucer to go back to the table with. Quickly polished off, then return for a refill of coffee and biscuits and go circulate so you're not going back to the same table with 2 more biscuits. Arrive early enough at the meeting, and I reckon I could get into double biscuit figures before the meeting started. But not today. Today I had a coffee. Then I had another coffee. Then I drank my litre of water. Then I filled it up. I ran up the stairs to the loo (a few times after all that liquid) and had a surge of energy very alien to me. Not complaining though, it felt good. What felt REALLY GOOD though, and I seriously would not have ever expected in a million months of Sundays to be saying this - the sense of achievement and how proud I felt of myself for not having a biscuit. Small things maybe, but those small steps eventually got us to the moon....
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