I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The end of the first week of my different life

It's Wednesday.  To say I'm excited would be a massive understatement.  I'm positively giddy at the prospect of what I may have acheived in week one.  I can't honestly believe either, that it's a full week since I last ate food - given the vast quantities I felt I needed in order to stay alive (how ironic) - I've put the fuel packs in and that's it.  And it's been considerably easier than I thought it would be.  I planned for pain and anguish and days of being a total mardymare, but on the whole it's been pretty good.  I've made a start on the TA stuff, starting reading some of the suggested books and made time for me, just me, to clear my head of the day to day and think about how I maybe found myself where I am now.  It's been very interesting so far and I'm sure there is more to come.  I'm itching to get on the online forum, but are waiting for my LLC to change my status on her system - why hasn't she done it yet!  I keep reading the posts on there and I'm dying to join in.

So, review of the week - the packs - they've actually all been ok.  I've read on the forums that there isn't much choice and there should be more cause they get a bit samey - someone suggested pizza!  Kind of missing the entire point of LL in my view - it's not food, it shouldn't look like food, it's fuel, in a variety of flavours and guises so we're not totally put off from being able to get it inside our bodies where it can go work it's magic.  Didn't much care for the porridge but having made it with more water than suggested, it's much improved, chicken soup doesn't have a great deal of taste for me, the others are preferable.  Tried all the shakes apart from banana, that's a big no-no for me.  Just got the summer berries to have tonight, all good so far and I love the vanilla.  Not too keen on chilli con carne but it's ok.

All in all, I'm pretty impressed with my first week.  It's a strange and odd thing to be removed from the pressures of eating, and I honestly didn't consider eating in that way before now.  Taking a step back from it, it's so easy to see how people like me who are so very easily pursuaded can overeat - food is everywhere, being rammed down your throat with advertising and special offers, huge pictures of delicious pasties - well they used to look like that but now I'm viewing them like Pauline Quirkes sausage roll explanation - smell lovely but really just fat flour and water mushed together and rolled round a piece of dodgy meat!

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