I've written this blog to help me on my weight loss. I hope it may hope others too who are considering following a VLCD. These are my own personal views and thoughts, I have no assocation with the plans I choose to follow other than buying their products for my own personal use!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A lot has happened since Saturday

Where to start, I should have perhaps posted a bit more often but I seem to be really busy, and I am really busy, clearing out cupboards, preparing for decorating, doing ironing, doing exercise.  Not my old "busy" of there being a lot on the tv I want to watch!

Sunday I went shopping with an old friend.  I told her about my plan, that I was happy with coffee if she wanted a cake, and the day just went.  Then I had a bit of a funny turn in M&S and got all shaky, felt very hot and very very weak.  Stupid me hadn't been drinking water and I'd got well and truly dehydrated.  I'd missed a food pack too as we'd just kept on shopping, and so felt pretty shocking.  Easy solved and soon felt reasonable again, but wow! That was a lesson learnt.  I really did think there was something quite wrong and I was in danger of collapsing.  No ill effects, but I've been more tired in the last few days so this may be connected.

Today is day 7 of s&s and I am seriously loving it.  I even had a "meal" on Monday night as it allows veg and protein as an option if you want, so I added in a salmon fillet and some green veg to my mushroom pasta (most of which fed the microwave as I wasn't watching it!) - it was like nectar!  I had some veg left, so last night I had macaroni cheese with leeks and brocolli.  Lots of people on the forums add in 200g of veg every day to bulk up the packs and are continuing to have good losses.  I'm planning to have some more tonight, cause I've got it in the fridge, then see what tomorrow's weigh in will bring.  It's also important tonight that I have some reading time, as Wednesday was my counselling night, and I really must keep this side of things up, otherwise my progress in this first 4 weeks could be lost.  I've taken delivery this week of the 5 a day monthly pack, on the recommendation from the minimins support site as the cheapest way to order.  Still having 4 packs a day, this gives an extra week for less than the cost of an extra week.  So, given it's 10 weeks to Christmas, I just need to order all that again, and I'm covered to the point I originally committed my head too.  Have to admit to being super excited about what I'll look like by then! 

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