I think it's arrived! The euphoria that is. I dreamt of a helicopter crashing, it was a gentle flip into some water and nobody was hurt - don't know if that's at all relevant but it's notable for me because of the vibrancy of it. Of course it's entirely possible the WY police helicopter was doing it's rounds close by at the time, but I do generally wake up when it does - annoying - but, I wonder, maybe the effect is more sounder sleeping rather than a nod to the amazing detail in my dream?
Anyhow, it started to kick in yesterday, I was so tired earlier on I couldn't keep my eyes open in the waiting room when I went for my scan but by the time I got home, the thought of a snoozy had all but disappeared and I even had a bit of a late night for me (almost 11!). Had to get up once in the night to pay a visit, the curse of all this water, or maybe the flushing out of the last of the glycogen stores, but other than that, slept very soundly indeed. Quite refreshing for a normally very light sleeper disturbed by the slightest sound. This morning I almost leapt out of bed (bit of a sore still fractured arm and dodgy knees taken into account...) with a level of waking energy I'm really not familiar with. Jumped on my scales - naughty I know, but it works for me, totally unofficial cause I purposely didn't compare like for like to know how far mine are out, in an attempt to start breaking this unpleasant habit - and it's looking good! Ketostix are darker so I know I'm using my belly to get me through the day. That's an amazing feeling, I have become the ultimate self sufficient machine!
Felt good all day really, work colleagues had that Monday morning feeling and it didn't affect me or have me thinking what I'd done wrong. I missed out on a meeting I should have been invited to, it would have had me heading for the vending machine seeking a friendly twix to tell my woes to a week ago - what honestly popped into my head today? "Well, you've all lost out on my input today, some of which could have been valuable and improved your day" - that's a massive step forward for me, and long may it last! I'm having a bit of an inner conflict though, with wanting to get up and on with things, and trying to get used to being a bit kinder to myself and allowing my body this first week to adjust to the differences I've just slammed it with. I had a notion earlier to tackle the 6 flights of stairs, had a swift word with myself and took the lift - one for the future though I do think. I'm a bit frustrated that I still can't get on the LL forums, I'm itching to add my bit and seek the advice of others, will have to email the support team tonight I think. So for tonight, it'll be my first soap Monday without the support of a comforting pack of Maltesers or 4. I'm not missing food, was thinking about it on the way home. I'm curious to know more and do this in a speedy way. Came across someone on the forums today who'd dropped 199lb since January - that's seriously impressive!
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