Urgh.... she's arrived. That awful relative of mine (and all us girls) who knocks on the door uninvited and barges her way in making me feel shocking. Hello Auntie Florence, how wonderful to see you (not). I kind of forgot how absolutely dreadful I feel when she arrives, it's all coming back to me now, and what makes me feel better? Chocolate of course. And cheese. And pizza. And everything else that comes under the category of food I really shouldn't look at if I want to have a healthful life. I've got some pretty strong and effective painkillers from the doc that do the trick and have kept things at bay all weekend, but I forgot that day 3 is usually my worst in terms of pain and bloating and generally feeling like I want to drown in a bath of melted dairy milk. So what did I do - not take a painkiller when I went to bed so I've woken up feeling bleugh. To cement the bleugh, the scales haven't shifted since last night and I can certainly feel it. I need my adult to be very loud in her reasonable voice today, reassuring me that all will be fine in a few hours, it will pass, and it's nowhere near as bad as it has been. Perhaps she could start by telling me to stop weighing myself everytime I go to the bathroom (and given the water consumption, I've now got a pretty accurate picture of my weight fluctuations by the hour!).
Something else to be proud of when I get to the other end of today, I think that's a thought I need to hold on to for the next few hours at least. I really should consider though, normally I'd be floored today, for the morning at least, I'd be sat in a salt water bath several times over then sleeping off the rest of the pain. Today I'm functioning, a little uncomfortable but ok and at work doing my normal daily tasks - on week 2 that's some acheivement. Whether that is down to the change in food intake, the change in weight (already) or the change in my head I don't really mind. All I know is that the pain is real and I can feel it and it hurts, so however it's going is fine by me! Just need to work on the pmt a little..... :). A new phenomenon has hit, one that I never imagined I would get - today, I forgot to "eat". Went for my midday walk, came back, got on with my work. 90 minutes later it occured to me I didn't make a soup. To my other half, this would not be odd, but to me (and I suspect others just like me) who thinks of food before I've even got out of bed, who has no time do do things in the evening as food takes up so much of it, who's first response to any kind of emotional upset, and I mean any kind, is to reach for the junk - it's unthinkable to even contemplate forgetting!
And I've already got so much more time. There are hours between finishing work and settling down for an evenings tv entertainment to do things. I'm working my way through mountains of holiday washing and ironing, I've totally rearranged one of my rooms, and have plans to swap round my two bedrooms in the very near future (I call one of them the room of doom, so it's not the most straightforward of changeovers). This weeks task between the washing and ironing is to clear out the kitchen cupboards - and I will be ruthless! Loving the new me so far, and there is still much further to go!
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